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Age Milestone Reminders

Want to see upcoming age milestones for your clients? Check out the Age Reminders screen.

Holistiplan has identified several possible conversation-worthy milestones that may apply to your clients. You can easily see which one of these milestones is coming up for your clients in a few different ways - the main Dashboard, on your Households Screen, or the Age Reminders Page.


Near the bottom of the Dashboard, underneath our upcoming webinars is a list of your upcoming age reminders. The default range is 30 days out from the current day. Premium subscribers can change the filter from the default range to another timeframe if they wish.

You can click on the (i) information bubble next to each item to get more details on that particular age reminder and how it may lead to a discussion that might be had regarding planning opportunities for your clients.

Households Screen

You can see age milestone reminder icons within the Households screen that identify the milestones for individuals within that screen which are outlined below. You can filter that column within the Households page, as well as get some information by hovering on an individual milestone badge.

By hovering over the age 49 milestone badge circled above, we see that the "Age 49" milestone for Melissa is that she is one year away from catch-up contributions, and includes a prompt that it may be worth discussing changes to the amount she contributes to savings plans offered by her employer.


Age Reminders Page

To see all of those milestones in one spot, you can visit the Age Reminders Page by navigating to Households > Filter Age Reminders as seen below. This tool is available to premium subscriptions only.


That will bring you to the Age Reminders Page. Initially, you will not see any data on this page, because no filters have been set. You'll want to indicate a start date, end date, and/or filter by age reminders, in the areas outlined below in blue. If you want to jump to a pre-set time frame, you can also use the quick filters outlined in green to select pre-set current or next time frames by week, month, or year.

Premium Subscribers can also update their age reminder digest preferences to receive email reminders of upcoming milestones for their clients here as well, where outlined in purple. To find out more about how to enable this feature, check out our article here on how to set up that feature.


Once that's done, you will see age reminders populate as applicable. In this case, we've used the "Next Year" quick filter to show clients that have age milestones coming up in the next year. These milestones can be filtered by name, household, birth date, age, specific type of milestone reminder, trigger date, and advisor.


You can click on the window tab icon circled above to get additional context on that age milestone. In the example above, this additional information is displayed for Cradle's "Age 62 - Early Social Security Eligibility" milestone.

Also, if you are a subscriber to fpPathfinder, you can utilize our integration with that product to reveal relevant flow charts related to that milestone and the associated decisions and discussions that may be relevant to your client. To find out more about our fpPathfinder integration, check out our article here.

If you have any questions along the way, Contact a member of our Support Team!