Creating Teams

Have multiple members in your firm working on a team? Here's how to make sure they're assigned to their proper client households!

A feature gone mostly unnoticed, but remains important nonetheless, is the ability to create teams! If an advisor has others working on a specific client with them, we've created a way for you to recognize those members by looking at the client's household screen.

This feature also comes in handy when your firm and advisors have opted in for our Age Reminders Digest, a weekly email feature available to our Premium ($999 and up) subscribers.

To create a team, you'll want to go into the client's household page. From there, in the top right hand corner you'll see the "Advisor" and "Team" fields. You can assign what advisor is assigned to the client there, and add the multiple team members. 

Adding team (2)-1

Note: You'll need to assign advisors and/or teams for each individual household. There is not a way to batch assign multiple households to advisors or teams.