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Do My Unused Uploads Rollover?

Starting in February 2023, a portion of unused uploads will rollover to your next subscription year!

In February 2023, we announced that subscribers would have access to rollover uploads. If a user doesn't use all the uploads their subscription tier entitles them to, they can rollover unused uploads, up to a maximum of 20% of their subscription tier.

For example, if a user on a 75-upload subscription uses 70 of their 75 uploads, they can roll over those 5 remaining uploads to the next year. Had that same user only used 40 of their 75 uploads, they could rollover 15 (75 * 20%) to the next year.

Rollover uploads last for one year after the renewal date. Like "bonus spins" on Press Your Luck, rollover uploads will be used first before a user starts using the uploads they've paid for during the current subscription year.

Users must remain subscribers to use any rollover uploads, as cancelled subscriptions result in users no longer having access to the software.

For more information, see the video we sent when we announced this feature here: