How Can I Add and Manage Users?

User Management

We strongly encourage our subscribers to add a user for each person that will be accessing the account. You can add as many users as you like and there is no costs to do so! This keeps everything more secure and lets us get in touch with the right person when needed.

The initial Holistiplan user for an account is automatically designated as a Firm Admin.
Using the intuitive User Admin interface, Firm Admins can add, delete, and edit users. They can also:

To manage your users, navigate to Settings > User Admin as shown below.

Adding New Users / Editing Existing User

Then, to add a new user, select the "Add User" button below. You can also import users from a comma separated value (.csv) formatted file by selecting the "Import Users" button, and export users in that same .csv format by selecting "Export User List."

When you select the "Add User" button or click on the three dots to the right of an existing user to "Edit User," a new window will pop up like shown below to enter/edit that user information.

When creating a user, you can designate them as another Firm Admin and/or send them an invitation to their new user profile by checking one/both of the boxes above. Once the information entered is complete, select the "Save" button to complete the addition or editing of the selected user.