How do I see an uploaded return in any Scenario Analysis?

You can use the "Load Tax Return (Read Only)" option when adding a new scenario within your Scenario Analysis in order to populate a previously uploaded tax return.

Oftentimes, we have users who want to model multiple years of tax planning with a client, which can include past years of tax returns that have previously been uploaded to the client's household page. 

In order to model multiple years of tax planning for a client within Scenario Analysis that should include prior year tax return uploads, you can use the "Load Tax Return (Read Only)" option of Scenario Analysis, as shown below: 

 Add a Scenario 

Once you select this, you will have opportunity to bring over previously uploaded tax returns for the client into the Scenario Analysis screen you are currently working on. Shown below is an example list of prior year tax returns available for our Sample client - Peter & Paula Professor: 


Load Tax Return Read Only List

Per the example above, if you want to work with the newly uploaded 2022 Tax Return alongside the previously uploaded tax returns as well, you would simply load multiple scenarios using that "Load Tax Return (Read Only)" option and model them side-by-side within Scenario Analysis, as shown below: 

Side by Side Comparison_chronological order by year

TIP: You can move scenarios within Scenario Analysis if you want to rearrange the order in which you see the scenarios you are comparing for the analysis. You can do so by using the "moving icon " icon that appears when hovering your cursor between two different scenarios. If you click-on this, the scenarios will switch places.