How to Deactivate Households

It's possible to deactivate selected Households.

We recognize that for a number of reasons you have households in Holistiplan that you only touched that one time, or have no plans to touch again anytime soon, and would like to make sure those don’t count towards your billable Households in a given subscription period. 

Setting a Household as inactive before your firm is billed under our Household billing model would make it so that those Households do not count towards your initial renewal amount. You should also see those changes impact your firm’s Current Active Households quantity on the Price Change Dashboard here, and allow you to see those changes reflected in your proposed plan for next year and beyond.

As of today, Deactivating a household will produce an Inactive tag for that household with the household listing screen, and note within the Household page detailing the date that it was deactivated and who performed that action. In the near future, we’ll also be removing the ability to make edits to existing Scenarios, Tax & Insurance reports, and a number of other deliverables within that Inactive household.

Activating a household will be a simple task on the Household listing screen, within the Household, or by simply uploading a tax return, creating a new scenario analysis screen, or uploading the client’s insurance documents. Once a household has been Activated from an Inactive state, it cannot be Deactivated again for 12 months.