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P&C Agent Letter

Use the P&C Agent Letter to communicate questions and action items for your clients' insurance policies after conducting an Insurance Review!

Holistiplan's Property & Casualty Insurance Review allows users to summarize their clients' auto, home and umbrella insurance policies in a single document, including premium and coverage information and insights related to that coverage. To turn that summary into action, users can create a P&C Agent Letter that clients can bring to their insurance agents to discuss the most important questions stemming from the review. 

To access the Agent Letter, click the "Agent Letter" link underneath the household name in the upper left-hand corner of the P&C Insurance Review screen.

To toggle back to the Insurance Report, click the "Report" link in that same area. 

By default, the Agent Letter will be populated with a handful of starter questions. To add new questions to the Agent Letter based on insights or notes on the Insurance Report,  click on the letter icon associated with that note or insight, as shown below.

The letter icon for items that you have selected to be pushed to the Agent Letter will light up in teal. If the letter icon for a note or insight is gray (as circled above in red), that item will not be pushed to the Agent Letter.

Within the Agent Letter screen, you can reorder questions by clicking on the stacked lines icon and dragging and dropping the question wherever you'd like.

If your firm allows editing of observations, you can rephrase the question by clicking on the pencil icon.


You can also choose to remove a question from the Agent Letter by clicking the "X" icon associated with that question

Finally, should you wish to add your own questions or messages that you would like your client to ask their insurance agent, use the Add Message field at bottom of the respective sections of the letter:


To share a cleaner view of the letter onscreen, click the "Presentation Mode" link in the upper right hand corner of the Agent Letter screen. Alternatively, to print a hard copy, click the "Print" link.