Redtail Integration FAQ

Help! I need to get started with or am having issues with the Redtail Integration. How do I resolve this?

Please find answers below to some of our most common Redtail integration questions: 

  1. What does the RedTail integration do?
    Answer: This integration will allow you to bring contact information over to Holistiplan from Redtail which can help avoid a lot of data entry for names and birth dates. Once a link is established between the two systems, you can send information from the Tax Report to Redtail in the form of a Note allowing you to immediately see key figure items in your CRM system. To enable the integration, a firm admin on your subscription must first navigate to  Settings >> Integration and enable the integration. Then, anyone wishing to use the integration will need to enter their credentials on the "My Account/Password" page.
  2. How do I establish the Redtail Integration? 
    Answer: You can find a step-by-step guide here that will help you to enable the integration and get you on your way to bringing your contacts over from Redtail into Holistiplan. 
  3. When integrating more than one client into the same household, those clients sometimes come over separately and/or the one client overrides the other. How do I correct this behavior? 
    Answer: Please find a list of steps to correct this behavior below: 
    1) Import client 1 as normal from Redtail.
    2) Travel to Redtail import page.
    3) Contact Type: select "Not Specified" (or whichever contact type is referenced in Redtail for client 2 of the household).
    4) Category: If you have not yet added client 2's profile to Holistiplan, then choose either "Contacts not in Holistiplan yet" or "Contacts not in Holistiplan yet (with similar last names)".
    5) Now navigate to the client and select "New Client" from the dropdown menu instead of "Connect to Existing Holisitplan Client" which should remove the client override behavior.
    6. A second dropdown menu will populate, select the primary client's household (client 1 that was originally added) is in, and do not create new household.
  4. How do I send a Tax Report to Redtail from Holistiplan?
    Answer: You can send the Key Figures and Observations from the Tax Report as a note to Redtail. Here are the steps to do that:
    1) Start from the Tax Report for the client you want to make a note for.
    2) Click on the teal "Send to Redtail" button at the top-right of the Tax Report.
    3) A note is created in that client's record in Redtail.
  5. I am getting an error message when I try sending a Tax Report or Tax Letter to Redtail. Why is this? 
    Answer: We have found other users experience a similar problem when they have not selected a Note category for the system to properly categorize the Tax Report as it sends the report from Holistiplan to Redtail. When you go through the Redtail integration process within Holistiplan, you should be asked to, "Choose a category for tax report notes." You'll want to select one of the options from the drop-down menu.
  6. Does Holistiplan store my login credentials after establishing the integration with Redtail? 
    Answer:  No, we do not store the login credential information on our side. Although the user will be prompted to input their username and password when initially setting up the integration, Redtail's API includes an authentication step by which we will send that username and password information to them, and they send back a unique token which we DO store in our database. The unique token then becomes the key we use to authenticate for that user from then on. For more information on Redtail's, open, REST-based API, please reference this link here

    If none of the above most commonly asked questions with regards to the Redtail integration addresses your specific concern or error message, please feel free to reach out to the support team by using the "Contact Support" button at the top right of almost every page.