Scenario Bank

Use the Scenario Bank to store the scenarios you have created for your clients so that only the relevant scenarios appear on your screen.

Scenario analysis now allows you to view an unlimited number of scenarios on screen at any given time; however, only the first four (from left to right) scenarios can be printed. You can store scenarios in the Scenario Bank to declutter your screen and move the scenarios into the first four that you would like to print. To move a scenario to the Scenario Bank, click the “three dots to the right of the scenario title and select the “Move to Bank” option. 

The scenario will move to the Scenario Bank on the left-hand side of the page. To bring a scenario out of the Scenario Bank, simply click on that scenario within the scenario bank. The scenario will appear in the closest empty column. To move all scenarios in the Scenario Bank back to the screen, click on the "Recall All" button.

NOTE: The total number of scenarios, both on screen and banked, is limited to 100.