Scenario Bank

Use the Scenario Bank to store created scenarios and/or move them to another analysis in the same household.

Moving Scenarios to the Bank

The Scenario Analysis tool allows you to create and view an unlimited number of scenarios on screen at any given time; however, only the first four (from left to right) visible scenarios can be printed. You can store scenarios in the Scenario Bank to declutter your screen and allow the scenarios you'd like to print to move to the first four columns. To move a scenario to the Scenario Bank, click the three dots to the top right of the scenario title and select the “Move to Bank” option. 


NOTE: Uploaded returns cannot be banked. You can delete any scenario representing an actual return, but cannot bank it. If you want to add an uploaded return to your screen, you can always click on "+ Add A Scenario" and then select the "Load Tax Return (Read Only)" to load any uploaded return for that household back onto your Scenario Analysis main page. The first time you access a Scenario Analysis with a banked return, you will see a warning message similar to the one below.

The scenario will move into the Scenario Bank located on the left-hand side of the page. To bring a scenario out of the Scenario Bank, simply click on that scenario within the scenario bank. The scenario will appear as the right-most column. To move all scenarios in the Scenario Bank back to the screen, click on the "Recall All" button.

Moving Scenarios to another Analysis

The Scenario Analysis tool also allows you to move scenarios from one analysis to another in the same household. To move a scenario, first move the scenario into the bank of the original analysis, then access the new analysis and pull it in from the bank.


NOTE: The total number of scenarios, both on screen and banked, is limited to 100.