Scenario Recipes

Use our step-by-step instructions to model some of the more common tax planning scenarios.

We have included best practices for how to illustrate various scenarios in the Scenario Recipes pull-out drawer on the right-hand side of the page.

Each recipe is a step-by-step set of instructions to show how you might model things like:

  • AMT Credit
  • Capital Gains
  • Charity - AGI Limitations
  • Charity - Donor Advised Fund
  • Charity - Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD)
  • Editing Overrides
  • Equity Compensation (NQSOs, ISOs, and RSUs)
  • LLC vs. S-Corp
  • Model different filing statuses
  • Qualified Business Income (QBI)
  • Retirement Plans
  • Roth Conversion
  • Section 1250 Gains

Select the recipe that you would like to see, and you’ll see our suggestions without having to leave the Scenario Analysis page.