The Tax Letter Staging Screen helps you organize data entry, status, and delivery options for Tax Letters across your entire firm
For premium subscribers with access to our Tax Letter functionality, we've created a staging screen to help with managing the Tax Letter project at a firm level.
To begin, click the button circled below that says "Tax Letter Staging" from any client's Household screen to review the progress of all your clients' tax letters.
You can also get to the staging screen by navigating to the "Tax Letter Staging" option under the Tools & Resources menu.
In this screen you'll find:
- A listing of all households. Clicking on any household name takes you back to that specific household page for quick data entry.
- A status for each Tax Letter. You'll notice we added some new statuses in case your workflow includes multiple reviews or hand-offs.
- A column for tax preparers, so you can organize your letters by recipient.
- A sortable column listing the advisor. Note: You'll need to specify the advisor for all clients in the Household screen first.
- An "Actions" column which will display three buttons for created Tax Letters: View in New Tab, Print Client Version, Print CPA Version. If a Tax Letter hasn't been created for the selected year, then the button in this column will instead be to "Start Letter".
- Buttons to print individual letters or to package up a group of letters to print at once.