Tax Report: Medicare Part B/D Premiums

We list the different surcharge ranges and your client’s MAGI to show how much (if any) surcharges may apply, along with the amount of the surcharge for Part B and Part D premiums.

Any Medicare premium Income Related Adjustment Amounts (commonly known as IRMAA) surcharges due to  are based on tax returns from two years’ prior. There is no phase-out for these surcharges; they will be triggered by being over the threshold for each surcharge bracket by a single dollar. These thresholds are also represented within the Range Calc tool in Scenario Analysis, where they show up as vertical dotted lines on the Range Calc graph.

If you would rather see the total Medicare premiums instead of just the surcharge amounts, click the "Part B Premium Adjustment" column heading. Because baseline premiums for Part D are based on your client’s specific drug plan, we can’t do the same for the Part D column, and will always show the premium adjustment amount. 


Peter and Paula, however, aren’t eligible for Medicare and won’t be for some time, so this information isn’t relevant for them. If your client isn’t Medicare eligible – or if you simply don’t want to show this table – you can hide the entire thing by clicking the Layout tray as shown below. You can also use the Layout Tray to rearrange the panels however you want.