Why Does the Child Tax Credit Look Wrong?

If the numbers aren't adding up, it's likely because types of dependents aren't adding up to the number of "Total Dependents" listed.

When computing the Child Tax Credit within the software, the "Total Dependents" line item outlined in blue must equal the sum of the "Total Dependents for Child Tax Credit" and/or the "Total Dependents for Other Credit" line items. 


Specifically when modeling a 2021 tax year scenario, the "Total Dependents" line item also must include any dependents under age 6, as they were eligible for an even higher tax credit amount in that specific tax year. 


We understand the verbiage referencing the 2021 tax year can be confusing; however, the age distinguishing between dependents “under age 6” and for those “age 6-17” is specific to only the 2021 tax year due to the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARP), and since advisors may still model scenarios for the 2021 tax year, this verbiage still persists for that purpose.