Field Notes 2.0

Use Field Notes in Scenario Analysis to add details about a specific entry or to list income items that can roll up into a total within the main Scenario Analysis screen.

Field Notes allow you to add notes to any editable field within Scenario Analysis, such as how you arrived at a particular value or why chose not to include something in a specific field. To access the notes, simply click hover to the right of the field where you wish to add notes, and an icon with the text "Add Note" will appear.

Field Notes Sticky Note


Note: Fields that include a worksheet (as indicated by the teal pencil icon), may require you to enter any notes within that worksheet, and not on the Scenario Analysis page.

Clicking the note icon or "Add Note" link will then bring up a the Notes & Calculations worksheet seen below. From here you can add a note (as outlined in blue below), and/or add calculation rows (outlined in green) to separate out certain line items that roll up into the total for that main field on the Scenario Analysis screen.

Notes and Calculations Window

To add a calculation row, click on the blue "+ Add Calculation Row" button. You can then enter the description and amount of that item in the worksheet, such as the various sources of interest income as shown above.

To push the sum of the individual rows to the main scenario page, click the teal "Save & Fill Calculation" button. Alternatively, you can save the information in the notes box and not push the sum to the scenario page (thereby maintaining any value entered directly into the field in the  primary scenario screen) by clicking the "Save Only" button.

On the main Scenario Analysis screen, you will see colored triangles to indicate the presence of any field notes and/or calculations for a particular field, as illustrated circled below. Yellow triangles indicate the presence of field notes, while teal triangles note the presence of sub calculations.

Fields Note Indicator After Editing

When you move a scenario to the Scenario Bank, any field level notes will accompany the scenario. You can also perform a mass deletion of your text notes or sub-entries by clicking the three dots circled in red below next to the scenario title.

From there you can delete all text notes in that scenario by selecting the option outlined in blue, and/or the sub-entry calculations of individual items by selecting the option outlined in green.

Delete Notes-SubEntries

If you have any questions along the way as you model these scenarios out within Holistiplan, please Contact our Support Team for further assistance!