How Does Holistiplan Handle Tax Law Changes with the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA)?

It's the end of the TCJA world as we know it (in 2026). But don't worry, you'll feel fine. Here's what you need to know.

We've gotten used to tax laws as they exist under the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) that was passed in December 2017, and that applied to tax years from 2018 through 2025. Tax law as we know it changes in 2026, as TCJA sunsets, and we go back to the tax law of the land pre-TCJA. For tax planning in 2026 and beyond, you have a few options within Holistiplan.

Within Scenario Analysis, we provide a pop-up reminder when you enter in a scenario for a tax year beginning in 2026 or beyond (the first year post-TCJA).

That reminder will look like this, which summarizes the changes in assumptions that Holistiplan will make post-TCJA.

When you select a planning year from 2026 onward, you will have the option under the "Calculation" field within the "General Information" section to select "Current Law" or "No Sunset in 2026" as shown below.

The "Current Law" selection will calculate projections under current tax law, as if the TCJA sunsets as planned in 2025. The "No Sunset in 2026" will maintain the tax laws as written under TCJA, and incorporate those calculations in your analysis. In our video below, you can see a quick overview of that 2026 TCJA Sunset optionality within Scenario Analysis.

Note: The "9/13/21 Proposed" and "11/19/21 Passed-House" options do not appear anymore, as those proposed legislative changes to the TCJA ultimately did not come to fruition, and are not applicable to tax projections within Scenario Analysis.




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