How Do I Add More Than 4 Scenarios?

I have 4 scenarios and I want to add another, how do I do that?

You can have more than 4 scenarios visible on the screen at any one time, but when printing, only the first 4 (from the left) scenarios will be printed. You can move scenarios into and out of the Scenario Bank by following the steps below.

To move an already created scenario to the Scenario Bank, navigate to the three dots to the right of the scenario title. Select the "Move to Bank" option. This will move the scenario to the bank, which is circled in the top-left side of the image above. 

To bring a scenario back to the main screen from the Scenario Bank, simply navigate to the bank, and click on the link for the scenario you'd like to bring back to the screen. 

TIP: If you would like to move all scenarios back to the screen, you can utilize the "Recall All" button to bring all banked scenarios back into the Scenario Analysis screen.