I have 4 scenarios on my Scenario Analysis screen, and I want to add another, how do I do that?
You can always have as many scenarios visible on the screen at any one time as you wish. However, we have found that to accommodate the most common web browsers advisors use, printing only four scenarios works best for most printing configurations. To print your Scenario Analysis screen, click on the print button in the top-right corner of the page.
From there, you will see a print menu where you can choose which scenarios you wish to print. To leave out rows with no data, select the "Skip" empty rows option outlined in blue below. The "Show" all rows option will print every line no matter if there is an entry made or not. You can also check the four (or fewer) scenarios you want to print by using the checkboxes outlined in green below and reorder the scenarios by dragging and dropping using the icons outlined in red below.
You can move scenarios onto and off of the main Scenario Analysis screen for printing by using our Scenario Bank feature. To learn more about how to make deposits and withdrawals from the Scenario Bank, visit our article linked below.
Scenario Bank