Setting Up Your Firm Settings!

Setting up your firm settings before getting started ensures that your Holistiplan experience is smooth, efficient, and tailored to your needs.

Here are the most common things our firms setup:

  • Adding Additional Users- Holistiplan offers the benefit of adding additional users at no extra cost! 

    Knowledge Base article on Adding Users- HERE

  • Looking to customize your Tax Reports with your Firm Logo? Watch this quick video:  Add a Logo to Your Tax Report

  • Enable Multi Factor Authentication(MFA)

    Knowledge Base article on MFA- HERE

  • Client Upload Links- This allows your clients to upload their Tax Return into Holistiplan. 

    Knowledge Base article on Client Uploads- HERE

  • Turning on the Marketing Tool Kit-This kit includes marketing materials like video scripts, email templates, and social cards. 

    Knowledge Base article on the Marketing Toolkit - HERE

    Don’t have access to the Marketing Toolkit? Reach out to support! We may have a specific Marketing Toolkit for your Broker Dealer! 
  • Do you need to limit user's access to clients in Holistiplan?  Review this article determine if this is a good fit for your firm!